Dear Law Students,
You are so important to your communities!
This week I was asked to write a letter supporting a resolution to restore GI Bill education benefits to the majority of law schools in California.
I attended law school on the GI Bill, a benefit transferred to me by my husband who served 14 years in the U.S. Navy. If it wasn't for the GI Bill, I could not be here today serving you.
I also could not have volunteered 16 hours of week during law school with the Legal Aid Society of San Diego, which offers free legal services to county residents. I could not have made numerous trips to Veterans Village of San Diego to assist our veterans with their legal matters for free. And I'm sure there are countless other law students who attended law school on the GI Bill who were able to serve their communities because of these educational benefits.
If we only allow 18 law schools out of the more than 40 law schools in California to accept the GI Bill - which would be only two of the five in San Diego County - we are not only doing a disservice to our veterans who served to earn those benefits, but to our communities who are served by our law students.
If you believe GI Bill beneficiaries should be allowed to use their benefits at any law school they choose in California, please speak up at Let them know you support AJR-12, a resolution to restore GI Bill benefits to all California Accredited Law Schools, which were stripped by HR 7105, Section 1016, by restricting the use of GI Bill benefits solely to American Bar Association-accredited law schools.
And thank you to all the law students who support your communities through volunteer work, internships and advocacy - there would not be free, community legal services in America without you.
With Love,
Stephanie S. Germani, Esq.